Want a JOB, without the JAB?

Are you stuck trying to make a near impossible decision? Take these 20 years at the job and shove them, or Take the Jab that I don't want to do? This is a miserable dilemma that so many more are facing as the woke tidal wave continues to circulate like the wave at a Notre Dame Football Game.
As in any mostly open/capitalistic market and society, when one side gets too heavy handed, the other side fixes the market equilibrium with an offering for the audience that didn't go along with the other side. This is what has happened in this crazy market we are living in.
The team over at Red Balloon wanted to offer a solution for those that didn't want the jab, but did not want to sit on unemployment and allow the government to control them.
Welcome Red Balloon.
A job site for people who want the guarantee that they will never be forced or mandated at their place of employment. So Red Balloon built a platform that connects those looking for a safe mandate free place of employment, and an employer that isn't going to allow the mandates at their business.
There have always been opportunities during economically and politically challenged times. Stay up, stay smiling, say a prayer, and you will find yours. Maybe on Red Balloon!