Upcoming Events

Voice of the Patriots Meet Up

Cornerstone Family Market 1121 E Main St, Centerville, Indiana

This months monthly meet-up will feature 4 speakers. Links to the speakers are below for you to check out Speakers: Candice Keller- Former Ohio State Representative http://www.patriotamerica76.com Susan Julian, N.P.- Julian Healthcare https://julianhealthcare.com/ Dr. Elizabeth McClain-Internal Health Specialist- McClain Chiropractic https://mcclainchiropractic.com/ Donald Rainwater- Former Indiana Governor Candidate https://www.donaldrainwater.com/ The meeting will be held at Cornerstone […]

Dr. Douglas Frank comes to Richmond, Indiana

Gateway Church 3361 SR-227 North, Richmond, IN, United States

Dr. Frank, widely known for his work with the Trump team, and the Mike Lindell Symposium, is coming to Richmond, Indiana. Dr. Frank a physicist, chemist and mathematician, discovered the algorithms that were controlling the election of 2020 behind the scenes. “I discovered the algorithms that were controlling the election,” said Dr. Frank. “To us […]

Voice of The Patriots- Functional Medicine | Medical Freedom | Transgenderism

Cornerstone Family Market 1121 E Main St, Centerville, Indiana

This months monthly meet-up will feature 4 speakers. Links to the speakers are below for you to check out Speakers: Walt Heyer- Re-Thinking Transgenderism https://waltheyer.com/http://www.patriotamerica76.com Dr. Dan Stock- Pure Health Functional MEdicine https://redpilluniversity.org/seven-minute-cure-for-covid-misinformation-the-testimony-of-dr-dan-stock/ Dr. Kelly Kohls- President of Ohio School Board Council https://www.healthcare4ppl.com/physician/ohio/toledo/kelly-kohler-1871049726 Ashley Grogg- Hoosiers for Medical Freedom https://hoosiersformedicalliberty.com/blog.htmlhttps://www.donaldrainwater.com/

Voice of the Patriots Monthly Meet- Up

Cornerstone Family Market 1121 E Main St, Centerville, Indiana

Join Us at Cornerstone Family Market for another night of hearing from other Patriots about current topics including mandates, CRT, and more. SPEAKERS BRYN KELLY  DR. STEVEN WERLING DIANNA FESSLER  

Mariam Ibraheem at Gateway Church

Gateway Church 3361 SR-227 North, Richmond, IN, United States

Imprisoned with her toddler and 6 months pregnant, Mariam suffered in a Sudanese prison for refusing to convert to Islam. Her miraculous story will inspire you to stand for Christ.

Dr. Douglas Frank at March VOP Meeting

Cornerstone Family Market 1121 E Main St, Centerville, Indiana

Dr. Douglas Frank who has spoken before legislatures, Trump rallies an My Pillow Exec Mike Lindell on the massive voter fraud that is happening in the United States.